terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

And you say you miss the old you sometimes. But why? Because the old you was all rigth, all decided, all certain, all contained, full of fears that paralyzed, full of halters, mental ones. That girl with few friends only, always at home, speaking little and low voice, no riks, no risking anything. Always reading and watching movies, always visiting and picturing realities where life happened with adventure.

You say you miss this girl. Maybe, when things are too fast. But this girl is so far behind. One day she took a risk and never stopped. She decided to risk, I don't know when or why anymore, and maybe she liked the power it brings, but the thing is she decided to live. And maybe she wants the old girl sometimes because she let go of her fears, and once she did that there is nothing to hold on to, nothing to hold you back. You enter a free fall with new possibilities you didn't know existed and see yourself as if you're in the middle of the sea. In the sea when there's no float anymore, so either you float by yourself or you swim in the water. You find balance not to sink. balance. Equilíbrio em meio à insanidade. Sereníssima.
This have been such a long year. The shortest and longer year I've passed. I've been in hell so many times, but felt happiness like I can't believe exists. I've been into sadness and into madness and thought I couldn't go on and then something I've grownth from it and I found my calm and peace again. Still madness visits me once in a while, like at 1a.m on a insomne night, when thoughts replace the days worries and you have time to think. I lost a lot of fears and gained a lot of power by facing these monsters and starting new with new atitude, with new me. I missed the old me a few times and still do sometimes, like at 1 a.m on a insomne night. I've known succes and I've known deception. I've been disapointed more times and in more aspects of my life that I thought I could handle, but I'm handling, I'm learning to fight, both metaforically and literally. Everytime I think I've grown to adult life I learn I have some more to learn from life. She caresses me and gives soft kisses, but she also beats me in the face and stomach so I don't forget anything. Insanity and sanity so many times, loneliness and companionship. Found that friendship is different for each person. Found that shit will happen being you good or bad, but it's better to live as you want, as long as you're in peace with yourself. Found that you've learned that before, but forgot, and life reminds you, of course. Found that sometimes in the middle of the mess you can find yourself again and even when the mess comes back, like when it's 1 a.m on an insomne night, you might think straight and just go to bed with a book.

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

"Constitui uma peculiaridade inerente a todo ser humano estar comprometido com a tarefa, sempre inacabada, de dar sentido à sua própria existência."
Quando a Academia é poesia  e identificação, podendo encontrar-se com a arte por alguns instantes.

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Com licença poética

Quando nasci um anjo esbelto,
desses que tocam trombeta, anunciou:
vai carregar bandeira.
Cargo muito pesado pra mulher,
esta espécie ainda envergonhada.
Aceito os subterfúgios que me cabem,
sem precisar mentir.
Não sou tão feia que não possa casar,
acho o Rio de Janeiro uma beleza e
ora sim, ora não, creio em parto sem dor.
Mas o que sinto escrevo. Cumpro a sina.
Inauguro linhagens, fundo reinos
-- dor não é amargura.
Minha tristeza não tem pedigree,
já a minha vontade de alegria,
sua raiz vai ao meu mil avô.
Vai ser coxo na vida é maldição pra homem.
Mulher é desdobrável. Eu sou.
Adélia Prado